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Macalaster Weber Scholarship Application

Please complete your application to the program before submitting the scholarship application. 

Program you have applied for:
Have you applied for ASWNA grants or loans?

Work Goals

Please upload a PDF document giving a brief statement as to why you are pursuing a certificate and how you will use it.

Select File

Financial Situation

Please upload the first page of your most recent tax return

and a PDF statement describing your current financial situation.

This should include the following:

  • How many adults and child/ren are in your household?

  • Are your child/ren claimed as dependents on another's tax form?

  • What are your current earnings? What are the earnings of others in your household?

  • Do you recieve financial help from another family member or interested person?

  • Is anyone else paying basic expenses such as rent/mortgage, food or school tuition?

  • Are you or anyone in your current household helping to support others?

  • Have there been or do you expect changes in your financial situation?

Select File
Select File

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Sophia's Hearth

700 Court St Keene NH 03431


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Sophia's Hearth is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization

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