For Current
Certificate Students
Accessing our class webpage
We are happy to be providing this online resource to you as you work on your certificate. Each cohort has a seperate page that includes assignments, links to readings and articles provided by the faculty, as well as cohort contact lists and schedules. Please be sure to check back often as we update frequently.
Please choose the button for your class.
For directions on how to access your site for the first time please see below.

Accessing the site for the first time
Click on your class link above. Remember if you are in the Birth-to-Three program choose the button that lists the summer you started.
When the pop up window appears choose SIGN UP (under Log in) and follow the steps.
You need to be approved and assigned to access the webpage. Email and request access by stating the email used to sign up. Once access is granted you will receive an email letting you know you were approved. You can then return to this page and log in by clicking on your class link.