Jane Swain
Jane Swain is an associate director and core faculty member. She is a pediatric physical therapist & movement therapist, with a special interest in supporting children to integrate their primitive reflexes. Jane is also a certified Level III trainer of Spacial Dynamics and is certified in Bothmer Gymnastics, Sensory Integration Praxis testing for children, and Neuro-developmental Treatment in pediatrics. She has studied the work of Dr. Emmi Pikler at the Pikler Institute in Budapest. She previously taught movement education in the early grades at the Monadnock Waldorf School and has provided classroom consultation and worked privately with children for many years. Jane is certified by the New Hampshire Child Development Bureau as an Early Childhood Master Professional Workshop Trainer. She has taught internationally and throughout the US. Jane has published several articles on sensory motor development in the young child and is currently writing a two-volume book to be published by the Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America.

Courses Taught
Anthroposophical Studies
Child Development
Morning Movement
Reflexes as a Path to Incarnation
Spacial Dynamics
Study of the Senses