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Saturday February 22, 2025 10am-1:00 pm ET 

9am -12:00pm CT, 8am - 11:00am MT, 7am-10:00am PT


Primitive Reflexes Related to the Arms and to the Right/Left Plane of Space

About the Course


We will cover specific primitive reflexes that are commonly seen in young children today. We will explore the asymmetrical tonic neck reflex and the palmar grasp reflex in depth through a Spacial Dynamics point of view. Included will be the purposes of the reflexes, how to “see” them in developing children in everyday situations in the classroom setting without formal testing procedures, how to tell if the reflexes are becoming integrated over time, and what happens when a reflex does not become integrated in a timely manner.  Jane will offer tried and true ways to support the child’s integration of them.  Ideas to give parents for home will be covered as well. Participants will come away empowered to speak about the primitive reflexes with colleagues and parents.  Participants will also gain an understanding of how to work with the primitive reflexes in concrete, developmentally appropriate ways for children from infancy through kindergarten.

 Please note that this workshop may be taken with or without your having attended Jane’s previous primitive reflex workshop last month. 

This workshop will be recorded. A link to the recording will be available for 30 days after it is sent. All paid registrants will received access to the recording.

Your Instructor:

Jane Swain

Jane Swain

Jane Swain, a core faculty member, brings her life long experience, training, and research into children’s sensory motor development. Jane is a movement specialist and pediatric physical therapist, a graduate of the Level III training in Spacial Dynamics®, certified in Bothmer Gymnastics®, in Sensory Integration Praxis testing and Bobath/Neuro-developmental Treatment for children with Cerebral Palsy. Jane has studied at the Pikler Institute in Budapest. She has a special interest in the child’s integration of the primitive reflexes. Jane previously taught movement education in the early grades at the Monadnock Waldorf School and has provided classroom consultation and worked privately with children for many years. Jane is certified by the New Hampshire Child Development Bureau as an Early Childhood Master Professional Workshop Trainer.

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